
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heroes of the United Worlds 6

 6: Starting Characters in modified DC Heroes

Short post today, but here are the characters in DCH.

The centurions
Miss Chrysalis aka Kir-Rin Skudera
Dex: 4 Str: 6 Body: 6
Int: 3 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4

* Invulnerability 6: Increases body to 10 to resist damage. Grows 1 point per round when activated.
* Mass Increase 3: Increases Mass, Str and Body by AP active. Linked - has 1 AP active per 2 Aps of Invulnerability
* Acid Resistance 3: Increases resistance to corrosives. Linked – active whenever Invulnerability grown.
* Weapon Limb 3: Increases HTH dam. by active AP. Linked - has 1 AP active per 2 Aps of Invulnerability
* Charisma 6: replaces Influence and Aura when trying to communicate with people
* Advantage – Beautiful: gains +2 action and effect in social combat when used.

Demon Boy aka Dax El-en
Dex: 3 Str: 3 Body: 4
Int: 14 Will: 15 Mind: 15
Infl: 3 Aura: 8 Spirit: 5

* Energy Attack 12: Limit – Device, 14 reliability
* Deflection 6: Increases Dex for dodging only. Limit – Device, 14 reliability
* Sense Weakness 18: rolls against target Body; add Result to damage for next attack. Limit – Device, 14 reliability
* Scientist 16: replaces Int and Will for Science related rolls.
* Advantage: Connections with Jupiter Science Institute
* Disadvantage: members of his race are disliked across system, causing social problems.

Emo Girl aka Grayson Hayley
Dex: 4 Str: 3 Body: 3
Int: 5 Will: 5 Mind: 6
Infl: 4* Aura: 4* Spirit: 4
* Empathy 18: Rolls made against target Infl/Spirit to detect emotion; the result of that roll can be added to her Infl and Aura on social tests for the remainder of the scene. Advantage – can be done to detect emotional state of writer/intended deception in written materials. Limitation – limited to line of sight or hearing.
* Detective 7: Replaces Int and Will for detective work.
* Advantage: Connections with current management of BSL Megabusiness
* Disadvantage: Enemy with deposed faction of BSL Megabusiness.

Blackbird aka Brennan Garreth
Dex: 5 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 3 Will: 3 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 3 Spirit: 4
* Duplication 23: Each active AP gives 1 extra body. Track each body separately.
* Crime 4: substitutes for relevant stats when appropriate
* Advantage – Well Travelled: good for knowing trivia, having casual connections, etc.

Kid Chanticleer aka Dalton MacLeod
Dex: 4 Str: 5 Body: 8
Int: 4 Will: 3 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
* Sonic Attack 18: Does damage, can be fired as beam, cone or radius centered on him.
* Artist (Musician) 6: replaces Influence and Aura when making music

Other Characters
Jether Tel the Space Pirate
Dex: 5 Str: 5 Body: 6
Int: 4 Will: 5 Mind: 4
Infl: 6 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
* Energy Blast 6: Limitation - Device, Reliability 12
* Sleep Gas Gun 12: Limitation – Device, Reliability 15

The Monster aka “Jimmy Lawrence”
Dex: 5 Str: 19 Body: 14
Int: 4 Will: 3 Mind: 4
Infl: 5 Aura: 5 Spirit: 4
* Invulnerability 8 (which increases damage reduction)
* Flight 15
* Sealed Systems 15
* All low entropy powers held by other 21stC heroes
* Weakness All powers and stats above 5 are only in high entropy environments

Karma Kid
Dex: 4 Str: 3 Body: 5
Int: 3 Will: 3 Mind: 3
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
* Retribution 22: Universe acts to return damage done to him on perpetrator.

Magno Boy
Dex: 4 Str: 4 Body: 12
Int: 5 Will: 5 Mind: 5
Infl: 4 Aura: 3 Spirit: 3
* Magnetic Powers 14
* Metal Animation 14
* Air Walking 7
* Obsession: is obsessed with increasing his power.

Gaia Girl
Dex: 5 Str: 15 Body: 8
Int: 3 Will: 3 Mind: 4
Infl: 4 Aura: 3 Spirit: 4
* Weather Control 15
* Flight 7
* Limitation: All powers and stats above 5 only work on Earth, or on living worlds after 1 month of bonding time.

The Terra Twins
Dex: 5 Str: 16 Body: 9
Int: 3 Will: 3 Mind: 3
Infl: 3 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
* Plant Control 18
* Earth Animation 14
* Earth Control 14

Dex: 6 Str: 1 Body: 2
Int: 6 Will: 6 Mind: 6
Infl: 6 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
* Gaseous Form 14
* Possession: 15
* Grant Psionic Power: 8 Limited, only works on possessed people.
* Scientist 12
* Philosophy 5

Star Zynski and his Mercenary Crew
Dex: 6 Str: 4 Body: 7
Int: 4 Will: 4 Mind: 4
Infl: 5 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
* Energy Blast 10: Lightning theme; Limitation - Device, Reliability 15
* Invulnerability 4: Limitation – Device, Reliability 15

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