
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Castle Mordha 2

2: Design mechanics based on analysis

All of these rules mods use the Moldvay edited D&DBasic as their starting point.

All attributes have the following chart
Ability #

Modifiers are always used as follows:
·   Strength: add to HTH damage, to hit and opening doors
·   Intelligence: add to 2 starting languages (less than 1 language means decreased literacy and comprehension) and chance to learn new spell.
·   Wisdom: add to magical saving throws.
·   Dexterity: add to Defense Bonus and ranged to hit.
·   Constitution: add to HP per HD
·   Charisma: add to reactions and henchmen morale.
They may be used to modify other rolls at DM discretion.

Ability # is used as follows
·   Strength: Hundredweight in coins before being encumbered.
·   Intelligence: Minimum # of cantrips & 1st level spells known.
·   Wisdom: number of “faith” uses per day.
·   Charisma: maximum number of retainers.

Replace Thief with Artisan
Artisans humans who have been trained in non-magical skills such as carpentry, masonry, clockworks, ropeworks etc. They use their general skill with tools to assist their fellows in a variety of ways. The prime requisite for Artisans is Dexterity.

Restrictions: Artisans use 4 sided dice for hit points. They can use any weapon, but cannot wear armor better than leather.

Special Abilities: With special tools Artisans can try to find and remove small clockwork traps or open complex locks with their Locks & Traps adj. no other class can do this. Artisans add their Traps adj. to normal attempts to find traps. They can add their Tools bonus to any test (excepting Lock & Traps) where they have time and equipment to construct a device to assist, such as a pulley construction to open a gate or a rope ladder to climb a wall. Anyone using the Artisan’s tools also receives this bonus. At higher levels they are able to construct clockwork tools that are nearly magic.

Designer Note: I removed thieves as they were an exclusionary class (anything they can do others can’t) and I wanted sneaking and trap detection more broadly used. Artisans serve as a way to aid the party past obstacles and as a door to pulp science tech later. If you wish to play a ‘Thief’ (more than breaking into places and taking stuff, like everyone else) write an appropriate background sentence and have your PC act in a roguish fashion.

Artisan Table
Level   Title                       XP         HD      Tools   Locks/Traps
1          Journeyman           0            1d4      +1        +0
2          Coppersmith          1250      2d4      +2        +1
3          Ironsmith               2500      3d4      +2        +2

Centaurs: these are half human/half horse with the advantages of both. While most Centaurs happily live with their herds there are those who seek adventure. Their great strength and durability are clear assets to any party, but their size can be a hindrance as well. The prime requisite for a Centaur is Strength.

Restrictions: Centaurs use 8 sided dice for hit points. They can use any type of weapon, wear any type of armor and use shields. Centaurs must have a minimum of 9 Strength and Constitution.

Special Abilities: Centaurs have the lower half of a horse, giving them significant mass and strength. Any test where they can bring that mass into play has a bonus. They are faster than other races, increasing their movement rate with experience. Centaurs do increased damage in combat (see page B27), and their hooves count as implements if the Centaur choses to attack with them. If he does so he gets 2 attacks in the round, but cannot make a weapon attack. Finally, Centaurs are treated as Mules when it comes to encumbrance (see page B20).

Centaur Table
Level   Title             XP           HD      Mass   Move   Weapons
1          Foal             0              1d8      +2        +20      1d8/d4 hoof
2          Yearling      2200        2d8      +2        +20      1d8/d4 hoof
3          Colt/Filly     4400        3d8      +3        +30      1d8/d4 hoof

Clerics: I was torn because I wanted to stay faithful to BD&D but I like the idea of clerical magic being substantially. Therefore rather than spells, Clerics have ‘Faith’, the ability to channel godly power a number of times a day. Faith can only be offensive against the Undead, but has many defensive uses.
·   At 1st level Clerics can drive animated Undead away (and may drive off weaker ravenous undead), detect evil, detect poison or disease, remove fear and purify food & drink,
·   At 2nd & 3rd level Clerics become able to cure light wounds (once/person/day), remove paralysis, protect themselves from evil, detect magic, hearten their side in battle and generate light. Their ability to turn animated undead becomes reliable, they have more skill vs. ravenous undead.
·   Faith has other uses at higher levels

Dwarves: Dwarves do increased damage in combat, see page B27 for more. Their ability to ‘sense’ a stone environment also increases with experience.
Add Stone Sense at +2 for levels 1-2 and +3 at lvl 3. Add Weapon Damage = d8 at levels 1-3

Elves: Elves do increased damage in combat, see page B27 for more. They know Cantrips (0 level spells). Elves generally avoid Staff Magic (q.v.) but are not barred from taking it. Add Weapon Damage = d8 at levels 1-3. Add 4 ‘Cantrips’ at level 1 and 5 ‘Cantrips’ at level 2 and 3

Fawns: Satyrs if men or Dryads if women – these fairy beings that are most at home in the wilderness. Unlike most fairy they are interested in humanity and will travel among them, offering their woods lore and charms to adventurers, traders, pilgrim and others to see the world before taking root in their forests.

The prime requisites for a Fawn are Dexterity and Charisma.  A Fawn with Dexterity or Charisma score of 13+ receives a 5% experience bonus. Fawns with Charisma and Dexterity 13 + receive a bonus of 10% to earned experience.

Restrictions: Fawns use 6 sided dice for hit points. Fawns can use any type of weapon (though they prefer spears or staves) and can wear nothing more protective than leather armor. Fawns must have minimum scores of 9 in Dexterity and Charisma.

Special Abilities: Fawns have better saving throws than most other races. Fawns are good at hiding, gaining a bonus on any such tests. Fawns speak Common and Fawn, plus the languages of Pixies and Centaurs. Fawns are able to cast a limited number of magical spells per day; all Fawn spells involve charming people or living in the woods; they can select any charm they are experienced enough to cast when they decide to do so.

Fawn Charms
•   At 1st level Fawns can cast the spell Friends
•   At 2nd level Fawns learn to cast the spell Charm Person. Unlike the usual spell this lasts until the next sunrise.
•   At 3rd level Fawns learn to cast the spell Sleep (unlike the usual spell this continues for only as long as the fawn sings or plays the pipes, plus 1 round).
•   Fawns learn other spells at higher levels.

Fawn Table
Level   Title                       XP         HD      Spells                Hide
1          Faerie Roamer       0            1d6      1/day                 +4
2          Faerie Wanderer    2000      2d6      2/day                 +4
3          Faerie Pilgrim        4000      3d6      3/day                 +4

Fighters: do increased damage in combat. At level 1 this is 1d8 damage with weapons. See B27 for more. Fighters also gain additional attacks, and are able to make 1 attack per level per round when facing foes of 1HD or less.
Add Extra Attacks vs 1 HD = +1 at level 2 and +2 at level 3. Add Weapon Damage = d8 at levels 1-3

Magic Users: Magic Users are often armed with Mages Staffs and Mages Daggers (q.v.), both of which they use as Weapons. Anything else (even enchanted swords) is treated as no more than a Tool in their hands. They know cantrips (0 level spells).
add 4 ‘Cantrips’ at level 1 and 5 ‘Cantrips’ at level 2 and 3

Remove Alignment Languages.

Humanoid Encumbrance
STR #      Normal    Combat    Combat
Multiple   Move       Move       Run
X1           120’         40’           120’
X2           90’           30’           90’
X3           60’           20’           60’
X4           30’           10’           30’

Centaur/Mule/Horse Encumbrance
CN          Centaur    Mule        Horse
Weight     Move*     Move       Move**
2000        135’         120’         150’
3000        105’         90’           120’
4000        75’           60’           90’
5000        45’           30’           60’
* For a 1st level Centaur; their move increases with levels.
** Horses cannot be brought into a dungeon.

Starting Equipment:
Characters start with both equipment and coin.
•   Artisans and Fawns start with 3d4*10 GP of equipment.
•   Magic Users start with 1d4*10 +60 GP of equipment.
•   Other PCs start with 3d6*10 GP of equipment.

All PCs begin with no more than 10 GP in coin (any money from equipment above 10 GP is lost)


  1. I like the changes to the Cleric. They distinguish the class from the magic user more effectively than before.

    Personally I would leave in the thief and just grant bonuses to move silently/hide in shadows/spot traps if you want them to be more widely used. Alternatively, the backstabbing, pilfering and street knowledge side of the thief could be beefed up to give them their preeminent domain while leaving core activities like finding traps and sneaking about open to all classes.

    Received wisdom has it that centaurs in the dungeon was a hot topic in the dim past. Judging by the actual catacombs, dungeons and natural tunnels I've been in, a centaur would be stuck pretty early on. Not to mention the quasi-Dalek like problem with stairs (particularly winding stairs).

    Also I spotted a couple of typos above. The 6-8 modifier should be -1 not -3, I think, and I'm not sure if you really meant the Artisan to have a d3 hit die progression after 1st level.

    1. Fixxored. Thanks for pointing those out.

      Regarding Thieves, in my experience pre 3E it wasn't that there weren't bonuses to the sneaky stuff that was keeping people from doign them, but that it was explicitly stated in the part that everyone read (the section on characters) that THIEVES did this with clear rules while the rules for everyone else finding traps and surprising people (not moving silently) were unclear and scattered elsewhere, so we focused it all on thieves. I don't think the actions need bonuses as much as they need it made clear they're universal. As for the backstabbing, pilfering and whatnot I don't want those to be preeminent either - I want Conan to function just fine as a sneaky type as a high strength, mid high dex and wisdom light armor fighter with nonstandard morals. I also want the possibility of a Magic User functioning the same way, or a dwarf. Spending time in seedy bars engaging in dubious behavior should be a universal PC option.

      As for centaurs, yeah, yeah, I'm including them exactly because of that old hot topic, and I admit that I widened the corridors and changed the stair designs to accommodate. There are going to be places in the dungeon where they *can't* easily go, but they have a lot of obvious strengths as well, so it's a trade off.
