
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Gun Shticks 3

Coming back to this for a minute, I did work out some gun mechanics - I wanted to keep things clean and simple, but also didn't want to use the reload and concealment rules from Feng Shui 2E, as those emulate a cinematic style that doesn't quite apply to the gun sparse universe we're building.

Before we start listing out the various future Gun models here are the basic terms for guns
·         Small Handgun: 8 damage
·         Medium Handgun: 9 damage
·         Big Handgun: 10 damage
·         Really Big Handgun: 11 damage
·         BFG: 12 damage
·         Small Shotgun: 10 damage
·         Combat Shotgun: 13+1 damage
·         Medium Rifle: 13 damage
·         Heavy Rifle: 13* damage

* Note that all attacks with a base damage of 13+ drop Mooks on an outcome of 4+, but heavy rifles do that one better, dropping Mooks with an outcome of 3+. Note that this stacks with Carnival of Carnage, but it always requires an outcome of 3+ to drop a Mook – you can’t have CoC2 and a Heavy Rifle and drop mooks on an outcome of 1+. Instead CoC2 means that in your hands any gun is as good as a heavy rifle when clearing out the riff-raff.

2.1.3 Concealment

Guns have a Concealment rating. If you’re trying to hide that you’re packing heat (a great idea given cultural memetics) you need to make a Deceit roll. Once you have your total subtract the Concealment ratings of all the guns and ammo you’re carrying. Anyone with a Mind score less than that number can’t tell you’re packing. Make a single roll when you start trying to hide the guns and the GM will note it for comparison later. You always think you’ve done a good job at this until you get spotted, so don’t keep rerolling until you get a good roll. Trying that gives you the original roll -2.

·         Concealment 1: Small handgun, handgun ammo pack.
·         Concealment 2: Medium Handgun, rifle ammo pack
·         Concealment 3: other handguns
·         Concealment 4: folding stock longarm
·         Concealment 5: other longarms

1.1.4 Capacity

This is the number of shot you can fire before you have to reload. As a quick and easy counter-balance, capacity and reloading are linked to concealment.

Capacity is equal to 6* Concealment for most guns, or 9 for really big handguns& combat shotguns and 6 BFGs & shotguns. This means big handguns have the ‘best’ balance between damage, concealment and capacity in the handgun arena, but every gun has some advantage.

Reloading takes a number of shots equal to the guns Concealment.  Bigger, more damaging weapons take longer. Blame it on future gun tech, and that the guns have airtight seals and designs that let them fire in vacuum. Plus it makes smaller guns more attractive.

2.1.5: Guns of the Future:

With these rules in place I’ll leave it to any gun-toating PC to care about the specifics (such as a Callahan Full-bore Auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge, thorough gauge, aka Vera) and I’ll write them up here. The first of which is a
 ·         SB117: This .22 pocket model from ScotchBonnet Firearms is designed to fit almost invisibly into a jacket pocket or carefully designed holster. While it doesn't have much by way of stopping power it is remarkably accurate for a weapon with its barrel length and is reliable in air pressures from vacuum to three times standard atmosphere. It's matte black finish keeps it concealed in the dark and gives it a subtle menace when it goes from being unnoticed to casually in your hand. 

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