
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

IMTU Archetypes 1 - Navy

1.0 Templates and Paths

CT had a lifepath system, where a series of decisions and rolls gave you your character from enlistment to start of play with all skills earned from that. I wanted to keep something similar for IMTU but Feng Shui works on a series of broad archetypes that the PC lightly modifies. To square the circle the archetypes are all very standard Traveller concepts (and if you read all them you’ll learn a decent amount about the setting, such as what Jay called the ‘great chain of griping’ between the services) and then we add a life events section stolen conceptually from Greg Stolze’s Reign. That gives some skill boosts and key events in the PCs life. Combined these give us an effect like the CT lifepath system but without all of the fuss.

1.1: Navy

The Imperial Navy is the world of capital ships, often floating cities staffed by highly trained professionals of all stripes, expert naval academy graduates and the children of the nobility (who sometimes know what they’re doing).

1.1.1 Navy Officer

You spent years working your way up through “the High Command”, from smaller frigates to the massive capital ships, and know the ins and outs of the direct command and indirect bureaucracy of everything up to the Imperial city-sized vessels. You’ve certainly qualified on core weapons training and can take the helm of a ship if needed but your real expertise is in the air of command and the ability to interact smoothly with the Imperial nobility (of which you may be a member, but maybe you just know how to work with them. Now that you’re freelance you can put those skills to a profitable use, and perhaps do some good free from Navy bureaucracy.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 1
Divide 5 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command# 13; Computers 9; Drive; 10 Guns12; Info (choose) 11; Intimidation 9; Investigation 9; Martial Arts 8; Status 12

Shtick 1- Command Presence (Bio or Guns)
Shtick 2– Never Misses: (Bio)
Shtick 3 – pick one other Guns, Bio or Memetic shtick

1.1.2 Navy Engineer

Someone has to keep the Imperial Navy in space, and that’s you. You’ve taken apart, repaired and replaced every part on their ships (which given their size is a LOT of parts) and despite what other services say about how the Navy has replacement arts to spare, those people never had to jury rig systems during a capital ship battle to keep the lights on. As an independent contractor those skills are in high demand from big corporate jobs and merchant liners, but who want to deal with their stultifying chains of command?

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command# 9; Computers 13; Drive 9; Guns 9; Info (Science) 9; Info (choose) 9; Martial Arts 11; Repair 12; Sabotage 12; Status 10; Trader 9

Shtick 1- Jump Drive Physics: You can, with a difficulty 15 Repair roll, modify a jump drive to do something bizarre. This might super-charge the ships hydrogen scoop to make it a limited use force field or magnetic grapple, push into Hyperspace at a non-jump point, act as a Jump +1 drive, whatever. Failure means GM decides what happens.

Shtick 2- Pick one Blade Shtick,

1.1.3 Navy Legacy

Members of the Noble Houses know they should give back to the Empire. For many this means a posting in the Imperial Navy. An officer posting, of course: anything less would be demeaning. On one of the larger ships, certainly: one can’t go without comforts. You entered the Navy a useless lump of privilege, cosseted by a system designed to protect you while giving you the illusion of service. For some reason you have struck out on your own, perhaps to see what you can do without relying on family, or perhaps as an agent of your family to expand their power in subtle ways.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command# 10; Deceit 11; Drive 10; Gambling 11; Guns 9; Info (Imperial trends) 9; Info (choose) 10; Intimidation 10; Martial Arts 8; Status 13; Trader 10


Pick 3 shticks between Bio and Memetics

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