
Monday, August 17, 2015

IMTU Templates 6: Specialists

1.6 Specialists

These are backgrounds outside the usual career structure. The characters probably did serve in one of the branches (Doctors get hired as outside specialists for the Navy to protect royalty, Everyday Heroes/Gamblers often have backgrounds with Scouts or Merchants, etc.) but they’re more defined by other attributes.

1.6.1 Big Bruiser

You may have come from any background but your defining characteristic is your size and strength, which are second to none. You can handle yourself well in a fight and would have been an asset to the Marines or the Army, served intimidating presence in the merchant or naval trades and would have helped in a variety of capacities in the poorly-resourced scouts.

Body=11, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 5 points amongst your stats other than Body, with no more than 4 in each stat

Drive 9; Gambling 10; Guns 8; Info (pick) 11; Info (Pick) 10; Intimidation 13; Martial Arts 12; Repair 11; Sabotage 9
You may swap your Repair skill for another skill you don’t already have, or trade it for a +2 increase in any skill other than Martial Arts or Intimidation.  You may swap your Sabotage skill for another skill you don’t already have, or trade it for a +1 increase in any skill other than Martial Arts or Intimidation.

Shtick 1- Strong as Hell: adds 3 points to your Body (already added); your blows are hard enough to drop Mooks on a 4+ Outcome.

Shtick 2- Tough as boot leather: you can take 10 more wound points than normal before facing impairment or death.

Shtick 3: Pick one Blade or Drive Shtick

1.6.2.Everyday Hero/Gambler

You’re an ordinary Joe or Jane, but you’re the one every-thing happens to. In some cases you’re basically good hearted, helping out those who are less fortunate who constantly stumble in your path; others with your luck turn to a career as a professional gambler, traveling with the wealthy on high passages or having a side job on a merchant trader that consistently gives you rubes to fleece. In either case you’re loyal to your friends and help out those who are less fortunate, just to keep your luck going.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta (fortune) 6
Divide 3 points amongst your stats

Deceit 12; Drive 10; Gambling 12; Guns 8; Info (Choose) 10; Info (Choose) 9; Intrusion 11; Martial Arts 11; Medicine 9; Survival 9; Trader 11
You may swap your Trader skill for another skill you don’t already have, or trade it for a +2 increase in any skill other than Deceit or Gambling.  You may swap your Medicine skill for another skill you don’t already have, or trade it for a +1 increase in any skill other than Deceit or Gambling.

A lot of your ‘skills’ benefit from your incredible luck, with stumbling onto what you need to survive on alien worlds or having guards take conveniently timed naps for intrusion.

Shtick 1- Strange Luck: Add 3 points to your Meta, added in. You are a magnet for strange occurrences, but you also always use your full Meta for fortune rolls, even if you’re already spent some points.

Shtick 2- Improvised Weapon: you gain a +1 AV on any improvised weapon – cooking implements, barstools, irreplaceable alien vases in your cargo hold, whatever – or any firearm you pick up in the fight and fire for the first time. Of course if you start carrying anything around it’s not improvised any more.

Pick one Blade or Drive Shtick

1.6.3 Doctor

You are a highly specialized, highly trained expert in the medical arts; it’s likely you have just come off of a stint as a doctor on a Naval vessel, but you could have just decided to head into the Black looking for adventure, or be the chief of a small medical support team on a space station. Whoever you were before, now you’re the person who can all but guarantee that if the body gets back to sick bay even slightly alive you can get them back up and moving. Eventually. 

Body 5, Mind 7, Reflexes 5, Meta 1
Divide 3 points amongst your stats.

Computers; 11; Drive; 9; Guns; 9
Info (choose); 11; Info (choose); 10; Intimidation; 9;
Investigation ; 11; Martial Arts; 9; Medicine; 13;
Status; 11; Survival; 9; Trader 9

Pick 2 of the following Shticks
Shtick 1 – Information Node
Shtick 2 – Blink Speed Forensics:
Shtick 3 – one other Bio, Drive or Blade shticks

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