
Sunday, November 22, 2015

V&V Rules Mods Pt 1

These are an attempt to pull together some simple rules mods that uild on Monkey House Games’ Villains and Vigilantes in a way that fits with the original game’s ideas.

2.6 A-B Basic Hits and Agility Modifier

Using weight as a mechanical underpinning as always been one of my favorite aspects of V&V, but it causes problems when powers allow height and weight changes. To mitigate these problems rather than recalculating you can consult the attached chart and
1)      Increase carry cap by Weight Multiple
2)      Increase the number of phases between actions from 15 to the Initiative Interval, so the larger character acts less often.
3)      Start dividing any damage done to the character by the damage divisor, with results less than .5 points reduced to 0. This mirrors the increased durability without recalculating Hit Points
height X weight x Init Interval dam divisor   Avg Ht
1.15 1.5 16 1.25   6 Ft, 7 i
1.25 2 17 1.75   7 Ft, 2 i
1.45 3 18 2   8 Ft, 4 i
1.6 4 18 3   9 Ft, 2 i
1.71 5 19 3.5   9 Ft, 10 i
1.82 6 20 3.5   10 Ft, 6 i
1.91 7 20 3.5   11 Ft, 0 i
2 8 20 4   11 Ft, 6 i
2.08 9 21 4.5   11 Ft, 11i
2.15 10 21 5   12 Ft, 4 i
2.23 11 22 5.5   12 Ft, 9 i
2.3 12 22 6   13 Ft, 3 i
2.35 13 23 6.5   13 Ft, 6 i
2.41 14 23 7   13 Ft, 10i
2.62 18 23 9   15 Ft, 1 i
3 27 25 10   17 Ft, 3 i
3.5 43 27 15   20 Ft, 2 i
4 64 27 20   23 Ft
4.5 91 29 25   25 Ft, 11i
5 125 29 30   28 Ft, 9 i
5.5 166 29 35   31 Ft, 8 i
6 216 31 40   34 Ft, 6 i
6.5 275 31 45   37 Ft, 5 i
7 343 33 50   40 Ft, 3 i

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