
Friday, March 17, 2023

Lost Galmagia: Clerical Acts of Faith 2

Third level of Devotion: Stillness

The cleric is able to enter a space of stillness in their faith, or expand that stillness to others. This can have some surprising effects in the world, and now the cleric is able to use faith to demonstrably change the natural world.

3rd level effect: Sanctuary

The cleric can eschew attacks during a combat to remove themselves from the combat. For each success on the roll, the caster can make force an opponent to make a save to be able to attack them. The first time an opponent attack the cleric they must make a save vs. spells or lose track of the cleric completely; this lasts 10 minutes, and opponents are effected in the order they attack the cleric. If the opponents have no other viable targets, the fight ends and the cleric can make a reaction roll; if this opens things to communication the cleric may do so, or they can exit the scene. 

4th level effect: Silence

The cleric can negate noise for 1 turn in a radius of 5’ per success on the roll, with a range of up to 10’ per success on the roll. The cleric can’t take other faith based actions while maintaining the silence, and Erudition-based on spellcasting can’t occur inside the space of silence. The maximum duration of the silence is 1 turn, or until the cleric tries some other faith-based effect.

5th level effect: Hold Person

The cleric can force stillness on other people, paralyzing them for the spells duration if they fail a save vs. spells. The hold person spell will affect any human, demi-human, or human-like creature but not undead or creatures larger than an ogre. Each success on the roll means the cleric can add another target to the hold person.

6th level effect: Haruspex

The cleric can sacrifice an animal and read the entrails to gather information when not in a Place of Safety. As with Snake Charm the caster can enter the rumor phase while on a delve, gathering one piece of information on a particular topic per success on the die. The answers may well be cryptic or incomplete, but they will give valid information. This can only be performed once a day.

Forth Level of Devotion: Healing

At this level, the cleric is able to physically close wounds, remove the effects of disease and poison, or even bring back the dead, based on faith alone.

4th level effect: Cure Disease

In one round this devotion will cure the creature it is cast on of any disease, such as lycanthropy and mummy rot, though magical diseases may require multiple successes. Cure disease will also kill green slime.

5th level effect: Neutralize Poison

This devotion will cancel the effects of poison and revive a poisoned character if cast within one turn per success. It can also be cast on a poison or a poisoned item to make it harmless. It acts only on poison present at the time it is cast.

6th level effect: Cure Wounds

This devotion will restore anyone who has taken a serious enough wound to be removed from combat (i.e. reduced to 0 HP) to functionality with a single success – the target is restored to their 1st level HP. For each success part the first, the cleric can restore another sorely wounded person to functionality. Alternately an number of successes can be used to restore one levels worth of HP to any allies within the clerics reach.

7th level effect: Raise Dead

By means of this devotion the cleric can raise any human, dwarf, halfling, or elf from the dead. With one success the cleric can raise a body up to four days dead. For each level of success past that four days are added to this time. A raised character has a stabilized 0 hit point and cannot fight, cast spells, use abilities, carry heavy loads, or move more than half speed, and heals normally. A raise dead cast against one undead creature will slay it unless it makes its saving throw vs. Spells.

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