
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

New Salem: Renaissance Mechanics - Intelligence to Invention, what to keep to and what to change

Now we come to the question of how we integrate things thus far: 

  1. All characters have the basic characteristics of CHARISMA and INTELLIGENCE.
  2. these are used to interpret the effectiveness of  their KNOWLEDGE AREAS, which themselves have broad penumbras of interpretation. 
  3. For situations in play where the player has requested the character attempt something where a) the answer is not obvious and b) there is not already a subsystem for this, TESTS can be made against basic characteristics. 
    1. These are done by rolling at or below the characteristic on d20 (for easy tests), on d% (for hard tests, or against the characteristic *3 on d% (for moderate tests). 
    2. The difficulty of a TEST is lowered if the penumbra of any of the characters KNOWLEDGE AREAS overlap with the test. 
  4. Some combination of CHARISMA, INTELLIGENCE and KNOWLEDGE AREAS  determines the characters RESOURCES, which are the money and equipment used to support their super-heroing. 
    1. The character is assumed to have sufficient funds for their secret identity to survive at a logical level of comfort, but that those funds are not available for their war to restore New Salem.
  5. Characters can always make logical uses of their SUPER-ABILITES within that abilities penumbra. These uses might require SPECIAL ATTACKS (two successful rolls to hit are required), or TESTS against basic characteristics.
  6. Characters have 1/10th their INTELLIGENCE per LEVEL in INVENTING POINTS. These are "brilliant ideas" that the characters can permanently spend for a variety of effects.  These include
    1. Succeed in any INTELLIGENCE based puzzle or test which is stymieing the player. This is the player spending a permanent resource to indicate where their super-hero is smarter then they are. 
    2. Develop a one-use application of their SUPER-ABILITIES outside their penumbra, with the GM permission. These still require SPECIAL ATTACKS or TESTS, but if those fail the character does not lose the INVENTING POINT. 
    3. Develop a ONE-SHOT INVENTION, or a physical device that improves their ability to fight a criminal or resolve a specific problem, with GM permission. This one shot invention will operate at least once (though successful use might require an ATTACK or a TEST) but if it isn't successful the character gets the INVENTING POINT back.
    4. Develop a permanent application of their SUPER-ABILITIES. This takes RESOURCES as determined by the GM, usually training time, a coach, things to practice on, etc. 
      1. During the LEVEL in which they are developed, these new permanent applications require an INVENTING TEST of d% vs. the characters INTELLIGENCE (or CHARISMA for magical effects) *3 when used. 
      2. Failure on this roll means the permanent application doesn't work as effectively as the character would hope, indicating the character's learning curve. (Exactly how the ability misfunctions is up to the GM, but if it fails completely it should not cost the character their action, though perhaps a high movement cost.)
      3. These new permanent applications either make it so the character no longer needs to make a TEST or SPECIAL ATTACK to get a certain effect, or it broadens the penumbra of the power. Each new permanent application should expand the power's effectiveness by 1/4 to 1/3rd. 
    5. Develop NEW GEAR that they can carry with them and use as part of their crimefighting. If the GM approves the idea, this takes RESOURCES as determined by the GM, usually raw materials, energy sources, complex circuitry, (or their magical equivalents), etc.
      1. A successful invention requires an INVENTING TEST of d% vs. INTELLIGENCE *3 assuming that the invention 
        1. Fits inside the penumbra of one or more of the characters KNOWLEDGE AREAS, and it fits inside the AFFECT/GIMMICK of the rest of the character's SUPER-ABILITES. If it does not the GM might disallow it entirely, increase the resources, or increase the difficulty.
      2. Only a single INVENTING TEST is made during the invention process, and NEW GEAR will not fail in the field. 
      3. NEW GEAR should be about 1/4 to 1/3rd as useful as a SUPER ABILITY. Repeated inventing attempts can increase that effectiveness, until eventually the NEW GEAR is as powerful as a SUPER-ABILITY. 
      4. Unless there is a compelling reason otherwise, NEW GEAR operates like a device or magic item, with its own external power and ability to be broken or taken away. 
I think this covers it... Now I just need to STOP using CAPITAL LETTERS and develop rules for Resources and better define Knowledge Areas.

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