
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Lore 24 - Sudilitas: the Peace Brigade

Mar 11: The Peace Brigade are now the mortar that holds the city together - otherwise we rocks would bash each other to pieces. The Brigade are looking for a few good sentients who can multi-task between diplomacy, problem solving, engineering, and combat strategy, and they will accept anyone in their alliance. Floreaux are drawn to them more than any other alliance in the area. Civilization must be protected....

Mar 12: ...Whether it likes it or not. It is strange that the Ranks and the Brigade are often at odds given that both of us seek control over areas in order to protect their inhabitants, but the Ranks are open in their means and goals, while the Brigade are sometimes not. But of course, as an officer in the Ranks I would think that, while the Brigade would see as as conquerors and themselves as ambassadors. 

Mar 13: Still, they do good work. The most common action for applicants is just to learn the task of building and maintaining cities, Sudilitas in specific. This often seems tedious but the supplicants are also the eyes, ears, and hands of the governing counsel while they live and work in every corner of the city. 

Mar 14: When sent away from the city they have to negotiate the repair and defenses of Sudilitas' greater boundaries... i.e. the Seekers territory. This is not always the easiest as many Seekers bear grudges against the Brigade for bringing in the Restorationists. Still, walls and towers and defenses are maintained. 

Mar 15: Once the applicants have done one or the other of these tasks they will be  judged and if suitable send to one of the nearby settlements to evangelize for the Brigade's ethos and services. By design none of the people sent are citizens, so none have the Right of Allegiance. 

Mar 16: This evangelism is often solving the communities problems in external threats or architectural needs. But regardless of the state of the community the Brigade will always find a reason to be there; they will always find a problem to "solve", so the Brigades can prove themselves indispensable and more responsive than the local government. 

Mar 17: If there is a real and tangible threat greater than the applicants can handle, they send word back to Sudilitas and hold the line until more Brigade forces can get there with citizens who have the Right of Allegiance. From there these people become a Sudilitas (and Brigade) client state. But as a member of the Ranks I make this sound worse than perhaps it is. It is merely not my style of conquest. 

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