
Thursday, August 8, 2024

RPG a Day #7: an RPG with "Good Form" and #8 An Accessory You Appreciate

I'm kind of at a loss on #7, not sure what it means. Others have posted on the design of the product (it's physical form) rather than its rules implementation (oh, good form, chap!) so I'll take that and go with Ben Milton's Knave 2E in that is designed to be compact, clear, easily reproducible for the players, and has all the rules for each part of the game mechanics on a single page or two page spread. This carried across the rest of Milton's work.

For #8 Accessory You Appreciate, if we're looking at things that aren't games or supplement books, then I have to go with Roll20. Because without that I wouldn't have been able to run the last 4 years of my 13th Age game for my daughters and her friends. Yes, maybe I could have managed it in some other online platform, but Roll20 was easy to use and had great 13th Age support. And this game has been one of the best things in my gaming history. 

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