
Monday, August 10, 2015

IMTU Archetypes 3: Army

1.3 Army

The Army are ground based forces – tasked with claiming, securing and holding areas. Sometimes they do this with guns, sometimes with tanks and sometimes with mech battle armor. They constantly complain that they have worse resources, worse medicine and tougher jobs than the Navy. This is because it’s true. Unlike the formal nobility of the Navy it can be hard to tell an Army officer from a regular grunt on the ground; unless you’re Army. They just know.

1.3.1 Army Special Ops

The tip of the spear, the Army Special Ops units are the first ones on the planet, scouting the ground, making contact (good or bad) with the natives and otherwise gathering information before all the boots hit the ground. They are well rounded, smart, capable and deadly shots.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command 9; Deceit 10; Drive 8; Guns 12; Intimidation 9; Intrusion 10; Investigation 11; Martial Arts 9; Repair 9; Sabotage 13; Survival 12

Pick 2 shticks between Guns, Bio and those listed here

Shtick 1- Army Officer: add 3 to your Command score; you are a higher ranked Army officer

Shtick 2- Forward Observer: you’re highly trained in getting into specific locations and calling in direct or indirect fire from your ground or air support. Split 3 points between Repair and Intrusion and add Info (Indirect fire) at a 12.

1.3.2 Army Grunt

One of the troops, the Army Grunt is the one that’s doing the complex work of clearing and holding ground, and then the arduous task of policing it until civil authority is put into place (Imperial bureaucracy used to be very good at this sort of thing, but these days it gets harder and harder). You mustered out armed with experience, initiative, bravery, a work ethic and blow the hell out of things if required.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command 9; Drive 8; Gambling 9; Guns 13; Info 10; Intimidation 11; Intrusion 9; Investigation 9; Martial Arts 10; Repair 10; Sabotage 10; Survival 11

Pick 3 shticks from Guns, Bio or those listed below
Shtick 1- Army Officer: add 3 to your Command score; you are a higher ranked Army officer

Shtick 2- Army Vacc Suit Training: you have mastered moving and fighting in a vacc suit. You suffer no penalties when wearing one or when using a mech suit (Advanced Vacc Suit skill is a prerequisite). You also suffer no penalties in Zero G, not that it happened much in the Army.

1.3.3 Army Medic

Unlike the Navy and Marines, who have top end medical facilities on their ships the Army Medic must make do with what they can carry onto the battlefield, scrounge from the environment or, in a perfect world, have in their tiny Surgical Unit Vehicles. Many argue this makes them superior to the surgeons hired by the Navy when it comes to working with independent traders; no doubt you would agree. You’re adept with medicine under harsh conditions, and making conditions harsher for people who try to stop you from getting your boys back home.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.
Drive11; Guns 11; Info (choose) 9; Investigation 10; Martial Arts 8; Medicine 12; Repair 10; Status 9; Survival 13

Pick 3 shticks between Guns, Bio and the two shticks below

Shtick 1- Army Officer: add the Command skill at 11; you are a higher ranked Army officer

Shtick 2- field Medicine: spend a fortune point to be able to find/repair/replace any medical gear you need, removing all field penalties for that patient.

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