
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

IMTU Templates 4: Scouts

1.4 Scouts

The Scout service is constantly looking at new jump points, new worlds, new opportunities and are usually the first to coming back with the reports of new threats. Of all the imperial services they have the most autonomy, but they are also the furthest from resupply, so each Scout ship is a small, on its own unit on the fringes of known space.

1.4.1 Scout Pilot

Someone has to boldly go where no one has gone before. And you were the sad one didn’t step back fast enough and got the job. It’s not all bad – the pilots are the commanding officers on the ship, albeit over a crew that is threadbare and perhaps crazy. Eventually you mustered out, but your skill set lends itself to going back out into the black.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 0
Divide 6 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Command 11; Deceit 9; Drive 13; Gambling 9; Guns 8; Info (Navigation) 12; Info (Choose) 9; Martial Arts 9; Repair 10; Status 9; Survival 10 ; Trader 10

Pick 3 shticks between Blade and Drive

1.4.2 Scout Scientist

The Scout services job is to stick their damn fool noses into places Humaniti has never been before. Naturally there are scientists on board to record what happens when the nose hits the new! You’re one of those people, expanding the frontiers of human knowledge one stick poking at a time, either by making first contact with new races, analyzing the relics of an ancient alien race or just being the first to breath the air of a new world. Nothing fazes you – not when there’s still so much more to be learned!

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 1
Divide 5 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Computers 11; Drive 11; Guns 10; Info (science) 13; Info (Choose) 10; Investigation 9; Martial Arts 8; Medicine 11; Repair 9; Survival 10; Trader 9

Shtick 1- Information Node
Shtick 2- Pick any two other shticks from Guns, Blades, Bio or Drive

1.4.2 Scout Scrounger

For all the Army guys kvetch about how bad they have it in terms of supplies compared to the Navy, they are rolling in working gear compared to the Scout Service. When you’re out past the rim there are no good drydocks to pull into for parts – even the stuff you pay dearly for has already been reused and repurposed. That’s where you come in: keeping the scout ship (or the independent vessel post mustering out) running for just enough jumps to limp back into port. Plus everything else on the ship, including the crew – they expect you to fix them too.

Body 5, Mind 5, Reflexes 5, Meta 1
Divide 5 points amongst your stats, with no more than 4 points in any one.

Computers 12; Deceit 9; Drive 11; Guns 10; Martial Arts 9; Medicine 9; Repair 13; Survival 11; Trader; 9

Pick 3 Shticks between Guns, Blades and the one below

Shtick 1- Have it on hand: For one Fortune point you can always have the tool you need on hand, or find make the part you need to keep the ship going with one day’s work and at least one complication in obtaining or installing it. (for 2 fortune points you can skip the complication, but where’s the fun in that?

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