
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Lost Galmagia: Clerical spells and reversals, zero and first level

 A cleric’s formal education has let them learn the formal nature of spellcasting used by magic-users. Clerics learn these spells out of the necessity of their field, and lack the breadth and rigor (as well as world changing spells) of magic-users, focusing more on divination and defense. Many of these spells are on the magic-user spell list and are interchangeable. The others draw power directly from divine intermediaries and require the Faith power to function, even if they are not, strictly speaking, acts of faith – that drawing of power from divinities places them outside the magic-user spell list.   

The Cleric keeps a spelbook just as a magic-user does, staring play with 3 zero level and 2 first level spells. Their maximum number of spells per level is based on their erudition. Unlike magic-users, clerics share their spells through their church, and a Cleric can pick one new spell per level attained, without the need to find them in the wild or pay usurious spell trading fees.

0 level Cleric Spells

Abey Curse This spell places any curse into abeyance for 24 hours, giving the victim time free of the debilitating enchantment. It can’t remove the curse entirely.
1st Level Reverse: Enhance Curse: If someone is already under the effects of a Curse, this spell makes it worse! There isn’t a save vs. this effect. For one turn, the effects of the curse are increased by half (so a -4 to hit becomes a -6).

Abey Poison: This spell places any poison harming a living being into abeyance for 24 hours, given them time to get to a Place of Safety where they might be cured. Cast if the target has failed all other saving throws against the poison, it keeps the target up and active, with no change to their hit points or abilities, until the spell ends. If the target is not yet cured, the poison starts effecting them again.
1st Level Reverse: Venom of Undead and Demon Abjuration: Snakes are divine animals inside the human pantheon, bringers of wisdom and defense against the unnatural. This spell turns a vial of water into a magic toxin that acts as a Turn attack on the undead or summoned creatures at the Caster’s level of ability.

Detect Magic (as Magic-user)
1st Level Reverse: Magic Aura

Purify Food and Water
1st Level Reverse: Befoul Food You can render the same volume of food inconsumable to humans and demi-humans and more attractive to carrion eaters and vermin.

First Level Cleric Spells

Light (as Magic-user)
2nd level Reverse: Darkness

Protection from Evil (as Magic-user)
2nd level Reverse: Summon Evil

Resist Cold
2nd Level Reverse: Resist Fire

Snake Charm Snakes are divine animals inside the human pantheon, being the guardians of wisdom and defense against demons. Aggressive snakes will not attack for 2-5 turns, If cast on passive snakes, the snakes remain charmed for 2-5 turns, and the cleric can use this opportunity to perform Ophiomancy in the dungeon, entering the rumor collection phase; this takes 1 turn to start and then 1 rumor per turn in the time remaining the spell. 

2nd level Reverse: Snake Abjuration: If there are snakes present, the caster can call on them to provide the equivalent of a protection from evil 10’ radius spell for the duration of the spell; the snakes will form a magical barrier between the caster (and their allies) and Evil threats.

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