
Friday, February 24, 2023

Lost Galmagia: Clerical spells and reversals 3rd-4th level

Third Level Cleric Spells

Continual Light  (as Magic-User)
4th level Reversals: Continual Darkness

Detect ‘Evil’ (as Magic-user)
4th level Reversals: Alignment Ward

Find Traps (as Magic-User)
4th level Reversals: Rune Trap

Speak with Animals: This spell allows a cleric to talk to any normal or giant form of animal life that is represented in the human mythology. At the moment this is snakes (wisdom and protection from evil) and lizards (psychopomps), but the pantheon is vast and essentially players can talk to anything if they come up with what the animal represents in the mythology. It will not affect intelligent animal races or fantastic creatures. The animal may be talked into doing a favor for the cleric, if the monster's reaction so indicates. The favor requested must be understood by the animal and it must be possible for the creature to do.
4th level Reversal: Invisibility to Animals: The reverse of this spell makes one type of natural animal ignore the caster (and one ally per level) for the spells duration. They won’t attack, track, or alert others to the cleric’s presence. The caster does have to select the animal type, as per Speak with Animals

The reasoning behind all of this is that it’s always kinda bugged me in a world logic sense that there are identical spells in the two classes’ spell lists approached from two totally different directions. Hence the splitting of clerical magic into erudition based magic that hews very closely to Magic-user, and faith based magic (more on that next week) that operates on entirely different principles.

Does this mean that the party cleric can share spells with the party magic user if the spell is on both lists? Yes, it does. I’m already making things a little difficult for the magic user in their need to track down spells, no reason to over-complicate.

If all goes to plan, the Under the Giants Shadow: Lost Galmagia campaign starts tomorrow!

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