
Friday, February 10, 2023

Lost Galmagia: Fighter Advantages 2

Continuing the thoughts from Wednesday, here are the other ways Fighters are constantly maneuvering to improve their chances in combat. I went through several  ideas before realizing that the right method was basing it on weapons carried: that played to the OSR tenet of not having a lot of specialized powers in a class, lets the player decide whether they want to always use the same weapon and not worry about it or if they want to be the sort of fighter who is constantly switching out to the right weapon. 

Offensive Maneuvers

If the fighter has hit their target with a natural d20 of 18 or higher, they have options based on what weapons they are wielding. The phrase 'new foe' means an enemy whose armor class is equal to or lower than the target the fighter just hit. (Note that this takes the place of “critical hit” rules)

If armed with a single, one-handed weapon:

·  Harry: You engage in a duel of pressing and giving ground with a like-sized opponent (no more than one size category bigger or smaller than you), repositioning both of you on the battlefield.

·  Opportunity: Do 1d6 damage to a new foe who is engaging one of your adjacent allies.

·  Wound: your target starts bleeding out 2 HP per round for the next 3 rounds.

If armed with two one-handed weapons (one of which must be of small or medium size)

·  Off-hand Throw: a new foe at range takes 1d4 damage as you throw your off-hand weapon at them. If you have another weapon available, you grab it and keep fighting 2-weapon.

·  Off-hand Strike: your target takes an extra 1d4 damage from a hit with your off-hand weapon.

·  Corps-a-Corps: you and your target (if your size or smaller) lock blades for a moment before you are able to push them back 10'.

If armed with a 2-handed weapon (either large or heavy weapon)

·  Cleave: if your attack kills your target, you can hit an adjacent new foe for 1d6, adding any damage you delivered but didn't need to kill your target, i.e., if you cleave a 5 HP monster for 8 HP, your damage to the new adjacent foe is 1d6+3.

·  Sunder: you damage your target's shield/armor, giving them -3 AC for the rest of the battle.

·  Charge: If you move and attack, the momentum from that charge increases your damage by 1d6.

If armed with a weapon & shield

·  Shield Bash: your target takes +1d4 damage from being hit with your shield.

·  Shield Wall: an adjacent ally gets the advantage of your Shield for their AC until your next action.

·  Charge: If you move and attack, you strike an adjacent new foe in your path for 1d6 damage

If armed with a pole weapon, such as a staff, lance, or spear

·  Back Rank Strike: rather than attacking your original target, you can hit a new foe they are defending or blocking you from approaching.

·  Knockdown: Your target (if your size or smaller) falls. If mounted or at an elevation, they can take 1d6 damage to avoid falling.

·  Spear-Through: your target takes an extra 1d4 damage.

If armed with a ranged weapon

·  Precise Shot: target takes +1d4 damage from an accurate shot.

·  Second Shot: new target takes 1d6 damage as you managed to make a second accurate shot this round.

·  Running Shot: you can move, shoot, and move, letting you reach cover or avoid engagement.

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