
Monday, February 13, 2023

Lost Galmagia Week 6: Under the Sword Ward

All the remains under the Sword ward are the reinforced basements of Fort Rodemus, named for the Tarmalanian bloodline that was settled here by the emperor to oversee the city’s security when rumors of the Galmagian family line being a little… tweaked got back to the court. The Rodemus clan brought with them the mirror mechanisms that connected Galmegia with the rest of the empire via light communication (which are still somewhat extant on this floor and the one below) and the hiring of an elvish unit from Deepwater that provided the city critical, if insufficient, magical defense. 

In the center of this room is the alcove that can be entered from above to gain access to a entry gate into the space. There are stairs leading down to a 10'x20' plaza that holds the locked gate mentioned in S31.

2.6: The DMZ
The passage to the nobles ward has a locked gate that needs to be unlocked with a different key on either side (the key from the nobles slide is on the Silver Caste Galmagian in 1.30). In addition, this room is barred from the hallway side. Basically it’s the DMZ between the goblins and the Galmagian Nobles. 

2.7: Guard Quarters:
These are quarters for the two goblins who are on patrol on the surface; as such it’s almost always empty, and any goblins here are determined by random encounters. Since no one lives her permanently there’s nothing of value here.

2.8: The Old Chapel:

This used to be a temple to Qasque, the lion-headed human god of defense, and an altar to him is on the north wall, centered on a lion-faced metal carving on the wall. The pews have all be pushed to the sides of the room (the goblins were trying to use this as a barracks but….). Any non-humans in the room for one turn or more will start to feel distinctly unwelcome, if a fight breaks out they are under the effects of a blight spell as long as they stay in the room. If the party examines the carving they will see it’s plastered to the wall, and can be pried off, revealing it as a Shield +2 only usable by humans. If the party carries it, any non-humans in the party are under a blight within 20’ of it. 

2.9: The Trapped Stairs
Footsteps show considerable traffic in this room through the broken door, but the ceiling is partially collapsed and clearly unstable. Or is it? Any dwarf will see that it’s actually stone weighted nets camouflaged to look like a bad roof. The trigger for the trap is weight related (one large creature or two or more small creatures) in the space before the top step. Anyone in the room has to save vs. Cave In save or be trapped under the rubble for 1 turn. This also releases the fire beetles in 2.11, who will come over and eat. In 1 turn goblins will show up to investigate the survivors. 

2.10: the Mirror Works
There’s a large hole in the center of the room leading down to the second level, and it’s full of mechanism that once ran the mirror tower. Even sketches of these are valuable to craftsmen in the west as they were a state secret. They are also possessed by angry elemental spirits where anyone trying to manipulate them must take 2d6 damage (save vs. traps for half), and if that damage would kill them it instead mangles their hand; they live, but with a -3 Dexterity reduction until they get the 6th level Devotion of Cure Serious Wounds. 

2.11: In the Goblins Garden
This room has a broken door that is held in place with a counterweight strung from room 2.9 (5+ on d6 to feel when opened) that is holding in 9 fire beetles. The light from these beetles are providing the light for farming potatoes in the dirt floor. The beetles won’t attack (they only attack the trapped or helpless) but will stream out of the room if the PCs let them. 

2.12: The Sinkhole and the Strategist
There’s an irregular stream of water coming through the ceiling from a small lake in the rubble on the surface that has collapsed the floor of this room, making a small pool that is surprisingly potable. Near the puddle’s center is a statute covered with mud that, if cleaned off, reveals an elf warrior. If that is cleaned and reset it will usually (3+ on d6) answer questions on magical and mundane strategy and tactics. This is a connection the HQ of the Company of the Green Sword in Deepwater, who has been wondering why no one has called with any questions in the last few years. There’s sometimes a delay in responding as the company member present has to consult reference materials. This weighs a lot but is immensely valuable if carted back to human or elf authorities. 

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