
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Lost Galmagia: First Level spells and Reversals

Since there was interest, here are the first level magic-user and elf spells and their reversals. Resist Cold and Fire, normally Cleric spells, are on here because Clerics now have two magic pools – faith-based miracles and erudition-based spellcasting learned in study similar to the magic-user. The overlap between the spell lists is thus explained, and it helps drive home my preferred clerics-as-educated-members-of-an-organized-religion style.

Charm Person
2nd level Reverse: Generate Enmity: Rather than the target considering the caster a friend, they consider some other person designated by the caster as an enemy. This enmity doesn’t immediately rise to immediate violence (unless that is a strong part of the target’s personality), but they will begin scheming against their new ‘foe’. The caster doesn’t have to say or do anything for the enmity to play out, but any suggestions the caster makes that would lead to the downfall of the target’s new enemy will be considered.

Enlargements: The target of the spell has its size doubled (for an unliving object) or increased by one half for a living target. Living targets can resist with a save vs. Spells if they desire, or just accept the growth.
2nd level Reverse: Reductions: The reverse of this spell shrinks non-living matter to 1/4of its size. Humans, dwarves and elves become the size of halflings. Halflings become the size of cats.

Floating Disc:
2nd level Reverse: Forceful Disk: Rather than an invisible carrying cart, the caster can point and direct that force to push a single human sized or smaller target within range backward. On a failed save vs. wands the target is pushed back 10’. If a barrier keeps the target from moving the entire distance, it is pinned against the barrier and cannot move until the caster stops pointing or the target roll a 5+ on d6 (, adding Strength modifier). The caster can take no other action while continuing to point at them.

Hold Portal
2nd level Reverse: Unlock: Rather than holding a portal closed, the caster can not just unlock a door or simple lock but prevent it from being locked during the duration of the spell. This will not open a held portal, nor will it unlock a complex lock. If cast on a trapped lock, it will harmlessly triggers the trap (unless it is designed to hurt someone other than the lock opener in which case effects happen as normal).

2nd level Reverse: Darkness

Magic Missile
2nd level Reverse: Shield

Protection from Evil
2nd level Reverse: Summon Evil: The reverse of this spell draws ‘evil’ opponents to them; this triples the rate of wandering monster encounters for the duration, and if a monster occurs the DM should select the ones on the table that best fit the protection from evil criteria as the ones to arrive.

Resist Cold
2nd Level Reverse: Resist Fire

2nd level Reverse: Elf’s Blessing: The reverse of this spell makes the caster plus 1d4+1 members of their party immune to sleep magic and paralysis from ghouls for 4 hours. If cast just before a normal rest, the affected creatures can act normally for another 4 hours, and only need 4 hours rest.

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