
Friday, February 3, 2023

Lost Galmagia: Third Level Spells and Reversals

This is as far as I've gotten on the spells and reversals, but I think this will hold me for a long period of play. 

Continual Light
4th level Reversals: Continual Darkness

Detect ‘Evil’
4th level Reversals: Alignment Ward: The reverse of this spell protects one target from registering under the “Detect Evil” spell for one day per caster level.

4th level Reversals: Thought Ward: The reverse of this spell protects one target from having their thoughts read for one day per caster level.

Feather Fall: Duration: 8 hours or 1 turn: The caster protects themselves against falling (and falling damage) for the next 8 hours. Any time during this period that the caster starts to fall, they float at a non-threatening pace to the ground. At any point during the 8-hour duration the spell the caster may re-direct this to another living creature or unliving mass of up to 5000 coins (500 lbs); the caster loses the advantage of the spell, but the new recipient gains it for 10 minutes.
4th level Reversals: Levitate

Find Traps
4th level Reversals: Rune Trap: The caster can place a rune onto any space or on any object that has no effect other than convincing people that there is a trap. A Save vs. Spells is needed to overcome the belief that it is trapped. The rune is permanent, but takes 10 minutes to cast.

Glamour: This spell creates or changes appearances within the area of the spell effect: up to a 20' x 20' x 20' cube. The caster should create an illusion of something he or she has seen.
4th level Reversals: Suppress Glamours: This spell suppresses any active illusions inside a 20’ radius of the caster. This effect continues for concentration: free standing illusions are dispelled, but those that are permanent parts of the dungeon, or are being actively maintained via concentration by magic-user or elf casters, will reappear when the caster stops concentrating.

4th level Reversals: Detect Invisible

Wizard Lock
4th level Reversal: Knock

Locate Object
4th level Reversal: Divination Ward: The reverse of this spell allows the caster to create a magical protection against anyone scrying on them (or their conversations if other people are talking to them) lasting 24 hours. This blocks magic mirrors, crystal balls, clairsentience, and similar spells.

Mirror Image
4th level Reversal: Phantasmal Forces: The reverse of this spell, rather than creating duplicates of the caster, creates a number of phantasmal warriors equal to the caster’s level that appear in the most believable fashion the caster can contrive within 60, and attack the caster’s enemies as per the Glamour spell. The each solider ‘dies’ if hit, gets 1 attack per round, and does 1d8 damage per hit. These phantasmal forces will move and act in a believable fashion for 1 turn, must remain within 60’ of the caster, and do not require concentration to maintain.

4th level reversal: No reversal has yet been found for this spell.  


  1. Web 4th level reversal: Freedom of Motion? Spider Climb?

    I like the idea of reversal but I'm not sure of the application. DOes knowing the spell mean you can memorize it and its reversal depending on which slot you use?

  2. Knowing any spell means that if you have the spell memorized, if you're one level higher than needed to cast it, you can cast either the regular or reversal. So if you're a 4th level Magic-user or Elf you and have Feather Fall prepared, you can cast Feather Fall or Levitate. (a 3rd level caster could only cast Feather Fall)

    And yeah, still not sure on the Web reversal. Does it dispel conjured matter? does it give you a different spider power? does it give you freedom of movement? Nothing feels like high enough utility.

    1. I dunno; freedom of movement can be a really powerful spell (although despite being one of the few 5e buffs that don't require concentration, the 5e version is pretty lackluster). If it includes immunity to grapples, being swallowed, and anything that would affix the affected character in place or hamper normal movement (including hold person, web, and grease, but not petrification) that's a really strong counter-effect and all that needs is to make sure the scope/duration is appropriate to a third level spell
