Sunday, August 4, 2024

RPG a Day Catch Up - Most Recently Played

Ummm, this is gonna sound mean, but the most recent game I was a rolled dice in was a 13th Age 2E demo game at Pelicon, but to say that we played was a bit of an overstatement. The GM admitted that the first time he ran this last year the adventure was unfinished because the author had a death in the family, but they have made no steps to clarify and solidify it in the last year. The Pre-gens were created in 2E by another player and had no connection to the nominal plot. 1/2 the players had never played 13th Age before (one was Cthulhu guy who had never played D&D before) the GM kept asking the players with no experience with the world to improv what they wanted for plot elements, and then when anyone familiar with the world recommended something he would delay until everyone signed on, when people didn't have context. 

I don't want to sound cruel, he was clearly a nice guy, and he was volunteering his time, and if we were all friends at a weekly table for a game I'm sure it would be fine. But I so seldom get to play, never mind be a player in a game with my daughter, So having him try to improv the whole thing, ostensibly to show off the flexibility of the game and the Icon system, fell very flat.

The last game I really played was also 13th Age, but 1E this time, and the ongoing game for the local kids at the town library. They have just made their way into the Forbidden City (from the classic AD&D Module "Dwellers of the Forbidden City"), rescued the chief's son, and have just now overheard the conversation between the leaders of two of the three Yuan-Ti factions in the city about the Orc Lord's offer (I had figured that their Wizard might have had some chance of understanding the Serpentine language, but the Druid's player spent an Icon Relationship point and changed into a snake, which of course could understand serpent tongue), they were torn between sending back immediately for Imperial support or learning more. Fortunately the player who really wanted to call in the cavalry was also the one who was going to be at camp for the next 2 weeks, so he brought the rescued prisoners out while the rest are pushing on to try to cross the city and make camp near the lake. 

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